Bright Start Preschool Policies
Please speak to a member of staff if there is a policy which you cannot find below. (A hard copy of all policies are kept on the Brightstart premises).
Admissions Policy
It is the intention of Bright Start to make our setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. We aim to ensure that all families have access to the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedure Procedures
• We ensure that the existence of our setting is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community
• We ensure that information about our setting is provided in written and spoken form. We will provide translations wherever possible.
• We arrange our waiting list in birth order, in addition we may take into account:-
Siblings already attending the setting
The vicinity of the home to the setting
• We describe how our setting and its practices treat each child and their family, having regard to their needs arising from their gender, special educational needs, disabilities, social background, religion, ethnicity or from English being an additional language.
• We make Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality Policies well known.
• We have flexible collection times (12 noon, 3 pm & 5pm) from which parents can decide to collect their child. We dissuade parents from collecting outside of these hours in order to cause minimum disruption to the pattern of continuity in the setting which provides stability for all the children, whilst also maintaining the safety of all children when attending the setting, and ensure that Key People have the time to speak to their children’s parents at the end of each session. Obviously certain situations may occasionally occur in which this will have to be overridden.
• We offer up to 15, 30 hour funded places each session, subject to availability. These places are offered in a first come, first served basis, allocation of these places will be reviewed termly and will be withdrawn if funding ceases.
Ill or Infectious Child Policy
Policy Statement
We provide care for healthy children through preventing cross infection of viruses and bacterial infections and guard against allergic reactions through identifying allergies and preventing contact with the allergenic substance.
Procedures for Children who are sick or Infectious
• If children appear unwell during the day – have a temperature, sickness, diarrhoea or pains particularly in the head or stomach – the key person calls the parent and asks them to collect the child, or make arrangements for a known carer to collect the child on their behalf at the parents request.
• If a child appears to have a temperature this is checked using a strip thermometer which is kept in the first aid box.
• If a temperature is recorded the child is kept cool by removing top clothing and sponging their head with cool water. In extreme cases the setting will administer Calpol and take the child to the nearest hospital and the parent informed immediately.
• The setting can refuse admission to children who have a temperature, sickness and diarrhoea or a contagious condition.
• After sickness or diarrhoea parents are asked to keep their child home for at least 48 hours after the last bout.
• The setting has a list of excludable diseases and current exclusion times on the wall for all parents to see.
Procedures for children with allergies
• When parents start their child at the setting they are asked if the child suffers from any known allergies. This is recorded on the registration form.
• If a child has an allergy a risk assessment is completed to consider the following.
– The allergen
– The nature of the allergic reaction and severity
– What to do in the case of a reaction i.e medication and how to administer it.
– Control measures i.e. how can contact be prevented.
This information is kept in the child’s file and all staff made aware of it.
Settling in Policy
Policy Statement
We believe that children settle best when they have a key person to relate to, who knows them and parents well, and who can meet their individual needs. We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the setting. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s well-being and their role as active partners with the setting.
The key person role is set out in the welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Each setting must offer a key person for each child.
• The Key Person works with the parents to plan and deliver a personalised plan for the child’s wellbeing, care and learning.
• The Key Person acts as the key contact for the parents.
• A Key Person is responsible for developmental records and for sharing information on a regular basis with the child’s parents to keep those records up to date, reflecting the full picture of the child in our setting.
• The Key person encourages positive relationships between children in her group, spending time with them as a group.
• We provide a back up key person so the child and the parents have a key contact in the absence of the child’s key person.
• The key person is responsible for speaking to the family and offering a home visit from themselves
Settling In
• During the half term before the child starts, we provide opportunities for the child and his/her parents to visit the setting.
• We use pre-start visits and the first session the child attends to explain and complete the child’s registration records.
• When a child starts to attend, we explain the process of settling in with his/her parents and jointly decide on the best way to help the child settle into the setting.
• We have an expectation that the parent/close relative will stay with the child at first, gradually taking time away from the child, increasing this as the child becomes able to cope.
• Younger children may take longer to settle in, as may children who have not spent time away from home before. Children who have had a period of absence may also need their parent to be on hand to re-settle them.
• When parents leave we ask them to say goodbye to their child and explain they will be coming back and when.
• We do not believe that leaving a child to cry will help them settle. We believe that a child’s distress will prevent them from learning and gaining the best from the setting.
• We reserve the right not to accept a child without a parent of the child finds it distressing to be left.
• Within the first four to six weeks of starting we discuss and work with the child’s parents to start to create their child’s record of achievement.
• Stay and play sessions are available once per week, and are good way of building relationships with the child and family prior to the starting date, enabling the child to familiarize themselves with the setting, staff and routines before their parent starts to leave them at the setting.
Uncollected Child Policy
In the event that a child is not collected at the end of a session, the setting puts into practice agreed procedures. These ensure the child is cared for safely by an experienced and qualified practitioner who is known to the child. We will ensure the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible.
EYFS Key Themes and Commitments
A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Learning and Development
1.3 Keeping Safe
1.4 Health and Wellbeing 2.2 Parents as Partners 3.4 The Wider Context
Parents of children starting at the setting are asked to provide the following specific information which is recorded on our Registration Form:
Home address and telephone number.
Place of work telephone number (If applicable)
Mobile telephone number (if applicable)
Names addresses and telephone numbers of adults who are authorized by the parents to collect their child from the setting.
Who has parental responsibility for the child.
Information about any person who does not have legal access to the child.
On occasions when parents or the persons normally authorized to collect the child are not available they will provide us with details of the person who will be collecting their child. We agree with parents how this person will identify themselves.
We inform parents that we apply our child protection procedures as set out in our child protection policy in the event that their children are not collected from setting by an authorized adult within one hour after the setting has closed and the staff can no longer supervise the child on our premises.
If a child is not collected at the end of a session, we follow the following procedures;
All reasonable attempts are made to contact the child’s parents/carers
If this is unsuccessful, the adults who are authorized by the parents to collect the child are contacted.
The child does not leave the setting with anyone other than those named on the registration form, unless specifically authorized by the parents/carers.
If no-one collects the child after one hour and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect the child, we apply the procedures for uncollected children:
We contact the local authority children’s social services care team
The child stays at the setting in the care of two fully vetted workers until the child is safely collected either by the parents or by a social care worker.
Social Care will aim to find the parent or relative, if they are unable to do so, the child will become looked after by the local authority.
Under NO circumstances do staff go to look for the parent, nor do they take the child home with them.
A full written report of the incident is recorded in the child’s file.
In some circumstances, Ofsted may be informed.
Prospectus & Terms and Conditions
I am delighted to introduce you to Bright Start Pre-School Ltd and hope that the information provided in this prospectus will give you an idea of the quality of care we have to offer.
We are committed to maintaining high standards and ensuring that each child receives a developmentally appropriate curriculum enabling them to have the best possible start to their pre-school education.
Feel free to visit us any time in our busy, happy environment to ascertain the high quality of care we have to offer.
Session Times
We are open from 9.00 am until 3 pm, Monday to Friday. We hold a ‘Rising 5’ session each week, beginning in November and continuing until July.
Our free early education is offered throughout the following sessions
9-3, 9-12, and 12-3, 5 days per week over the 38 weeks we are open.
We offer a breakfast club from 7.45 am daily and an afterschool club Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-5 pm.
Aims and Objectives
Our aim is to encourage each child to develop through a broad, balanced and well-defined curriculum with the support of mature, trained staff.
Our stimulating environment allows the learning experience to become both pleasurable and rewarding, allowing each child to reach their own personal level of achievement.
Our objective is to achieve good practice in every area of our work. We keep our program and policies under regular review in order to maintain and improve the quality of our provision.
Educational Program
At Bright Start Pre-School Ltd we are committed to the ethos of the Early Years Foundation Stage (2017). Our activities and equipment are carefully chosen, providing a framework for children to reach their full potential. Progress is regularly assessed with the results being communicated to parents, and eventually to the schools which the children will attend when they move on from Brightstart. These activities become more structured during our ‘Rising 5’ sessions, in preparation for the transition to Primary School. The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of seven areas of learning which are:-
o Personal, Social and Emotional Development
To give children the best opportunities to develop their personal, social and emotional skills and confidence we:-
• Help them form warm, caring attachments with peers and adults within the group
• Establish constructive relationships with parents and carers
• Act as positive role models valuing differences and expectations
• Allow children to play and learn both alone if they chose, and in groups of varying size
o Communication and Language
We place a high priority on children developing their language and communicative skills, and provide many opportunities for children to:-
• Learn to listen and respond in small and large groups
• Enjoy books, stories, poems and music
o Physical Development
All children are encouraged to enjoy a physical element during all our sessions with carefully chosen and properly supervised activities and equipment, both indoors and outdoors whenever possible. This gives them the opportunity to:-
• Develop spatial awareness, mobility and co-ordination
• Use a wide range of tools and equipment
o Mathematics
Physical experience of mathematical concepts is provided through enjoyable activities where children learn to:-
• Match, sort, compare, sequence and count using everyday objects
• Recognize, use and write numbers up to 10, then begin to use larger numbers
• Become familiar with concepts of size, weight and quantity
• Develop an understanding of mathematical language
o Literacy
Giving children opportunities to develop their reading and writing skills by:-
• Encouraging and supporting children to develop a love for reading through a vast range of age appropriate resources
• Encourage an enjoyment in mark making activities in order to support emerging writing skills
o Expressive Arts and Design
Children are encouraged to develop their imaginative and creative skills by using a wide range of tools and materials available in each sessions, allowing them to:-
• Explore sand, colour, texture and shape
• Respond to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel
• Use experiences in art, music and dance in their imaginative play
o Understanding the World
To enhance children’s understanding of the world around them we aim to provide many opportunities for them to observe their surroundings and the physical environment, to achieve this we:-
• Talk about where we live, the environment, our families and past and present events in our lives
• Explore features of living things, objects and events in the natural and man-made world
Equal Opportunities
Bright Start Pre-School operates an Equal Opportunities Policy and believes that no child, individual or family should be excluded on the grounds of gender, family status, disability, colour, ethnic origin, religion or belief.
All our activities offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination, encouraging us to value similarities and differences between ourselves and others.
Special Educational Needs
We believe that all children are special…………… some just need some extra help.
We aim to provide a caring environment which recognizes the importance of each child as an individual, and are happy to consider how we are able to meet the special educational needs of children and their families. Any parent wishing to discuss their child’s special needs are invited to contact the Manager or Deputy. The setting has two experienced Special Educational Needs Officers to support any child/family attending the setting.
Partnership with Parents
Parents are recognized as important and valued partners and respected in their role as their child’s first and most important educators. Parents are therefore encouraged to take an active interest in their child’s development whilst at Bright Start, through social and fundraising events held during the year. These include, social outings, Christmas and Leavers parties and the Christmas Nativity.
In accordance with Ofsted and the Early Years Foundation Stage (2017) recommendations, children’s progress is monitored closely and to facilitate this, regular observations are taken and a record kept of the child’s development. We operate a system where each child is allocated a ‘Key person’ who is a member of staff with special responsibility for a particular child. Parents are encouraged to liaise with their child’s key person, contributing their own opinions, ideas and of course any concerns they may have. Home visits are offered if the key person feels it would be beneficial to the child settling into the setting.
Cultural Capital
Every child that starts the journey with us will have had different life experiences. We endeavor to ensure that by the time each child leaves the setting we are able to provide them with many different experiences and opportunities that will help them develop as individuals and facilitate them with the knowledge on which they can build over the forthcoming years.
The fee is £6.45 per hour for 3 year olds, and £7.60 per hour for 2 year olds and £8.05 per hour for children aged 20 months – 2 year, this includes refreshments. Invoices will be issued on the first day of term and are due within two weeks.
A deposit of £50 is required to hold a space for a child. This is non refundable if you decide your child will not then start with us. On starting the preschool the £50 deposit which has been paid will be deducted from your first invoice.
Once a place has been accepted and booked the full fee is to be paid – irrespective of the child being unable to attend due to sickness or holidays.
Free Early Education Funding – This scheme operates from the term after your child’s 3rd birthday and equates to 15 hours free each week, for a maximum of 570 hours over the 38 weeks per year. Any hours required after this amount must be paid for by the parent. This entitlement can be split between two or more settings if required. In some cases a family may qualify for ‘Free for 2 Funding’ or ’30 hours for a 3 year old’ but eligibility must be confirmed. Please speak to the Manager for further information on how to obtain this .
Our free early education is offered throughout the following sessions :- 9-3, 9-12, and 12-3, 5 days per week over the 38 weeks we are open.
Late Payment – Bright Start Pre-School reserves the right to withdraw a child if accounts are not paid by the end of the current term and take relevant steps to recover the money.
If your child is ill please telephone us to let us know. Children suffering from sickness or diarrhea must not return to preschool until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhea. Children with infectious diseases must remain at home for the quarantine period. Entry onto the premises will be at the discretion of the Pre-school leader or Deputy.
Bright Start Pre-School does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to a child’s or parent’s property or clothing.
Parents are required to arrive promptly to collect their child. Children will only be handed over to (a) the parents or (b) the named representative as given on the Child’s information sheet or (c) in the case of an emergency the person authorized by the parent.
All children attending our setting will be treated in accordance with our Behavior/Management policy. We reserve the right to exclude a child if their behavior is deemed unacceptable.
All information given by parents will be treated in the strictest of confidence and adhere to GDPR guidelines.
Healthy and nutritious hot dinners are cooked freshly on the premises and are available at an additional cost of £2.50 per day. A copy of the menu is displayed on the Bright Start Notice Board.
We encourage parents to ensure that their child’s lunch box is filled with a varied healthy spread of food and a suitable drink. Please do not give your child too much food as they have only 30 minutes in which to eat. We would discourage against chocolate and nuts if at all possible.
Whilst we appreciate that attendance to preschool is not compulsory we do advise that regular attendance benefits your child in learning the life skills of attending school together with enhancing their social well being and development.
Brightstart Preschool Ltd
Price List (april 2021)
Under 2 Years (based upon £7.30 per hour)
9am – 12 noon session £21.90
9 am – 2 pm session £36.50
9 am – 3 pm session £43.80
12 noon – 3 pm session £21.90
2 Year Olds (based upon £6.90 per hour)
9am – 12 noon session £20.70
9 am – 2 pm session £34.50
9 am – 3 pm session £41.40
12 noon – 3 pm session £20.70
3 Year Olds (based upon £5.85 per hour)
9am – 12 noon session £17.55
9 am – 2 pm session £29.25
9 am – 3 pm session £35.10
12 noon – 3 pm session £17.55
lunches £2.50
Breakfast Club £7.50 2nd child £5.50
Afterschool Club £12.00 2nd child £8
Late collections will be charged at the Managers discretion at a rate of £5.00 per every 15 minute
Invoices will be made available on day 1 of each new term and is due for payment within 14 days.
Monday Spagetti Bolognaise
Quorn Mince, Chopped Tomatoes, Bolognaise Sauce
Garlic Bread, Cheese & Dairy/lactose free cheese
Yogurts & Dairy/lactose Free Yogurts
Tuesday Roast Dinner
Chicken, Roast Potatoes, Brocolli, Corn & Yorkshire
Jelly & Ice cream or dairy/lactose free cream
Wednesday Shepherds Pie
Mince, Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Fruit and Pancakes
Thursday Pasta Bake
Pasta, Tomato Sauce & Carrot Sticks
Garlic Bread, Cheese & Dairy/lactose free cheese
Bananas & Custard or dairy/lactose free cream
Friday Sausage Bake
Sausages/Quorn Sausages, Mash (no milk) & Beans
Chocolate Swiss Roll & Chocolate Pots
Other Policies
This is not an exhaustive list of our policies, if you require to see our policy file please ask a member of staff..
Team Members
Years Established
Get In Touch
Bright Start Pre-school
Parish Hall
25 Quarry Hill Road
Borough Green
TN15 8RQ
Telephone: 07858 188867
School Hours: Monday - Friday: 7.45am - 5pm