Price Lists

Price Lists are available on request

Hot lunches available for an additional cost per day

Breakfast club available – for an additional cost per day

Afterschool club available – for an additional cost per day

Funding Available :-

We offer children from the term before they turn 2 up to school age (5 years) childcare and education.  There are a variety of session times available to suit your individual needs.   We are registered with KCC and OFSTED, and are open 38 weeks per year and can offer the following government funded hours for children over 3 years of age and in some cases 2 years old, (although there are certain criteria that has to be met to be able to access this)

Up to 15 hours per week of ‘Free for Two’ funding available the term after the child’s 2nd birthday (certain criteria required)

Up to 15 hours per week of free early education available for all 3&4 year olds – the term after their third birthday

Up to 15 hours per week of free early education available for some children aged 20 months plus, whose parents are working and meet the criteria – the term after their second birthday

Limited ’30 hour’ spaces available for 3&4 year olds (certain criteria required)

We also accept, at the standard rate, all children from the age of 20 months (irrespective as to whether they are potty trained) in order to give your child the best possible start to their education.


We also take childcare vouchers – if you are in receipt of these from your work place please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can get registration underway if it is a supplier we do not currently use.



Team Members

Years Established

Get In Touch


Bright Start Pre-school

Parish Hall

25 Quarry Hill Road

Borough Green


TN15 8RQ

Telephone: 07858 188867


School Hours: Monday - Friday: 7.45am - 5pm