We hope that you have settled back in to school life as quickly as we all have, we can’t believe that we are half way through Term 3 already!!!

We would like to welcome Amy to the team and wish her well in settling in quickly, together with all our new starters.  

We are delighted with the look of the ‘new’ purple uniform and are pleased to see that  many of you have purchased it.  Please note that we keep a small range of sizes in stock if you should wish to purchase them.  

We have lots of fun activities planned for the children this term so please keep an eye on the website or Ourschools App for details of these.  Please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff if you need further clarification on something.  

Think thats all for now

 Nicky, Chel, Em, Rache, Ellie, Becky & Amy